zhan   lan   jie    shao









Tao Xingzhi (1891-1946), a great educator of the people, social activist and patriot in modern China.

At the critical juncture of life and death of Chinese nation, Tao, with the spirit of “I have come here with a whole heart (for work), and I'll leave not taking half a piece of grass(for reward)”, devoted himself unselfishly to the struggle for Chinese national emancipationseeking new approaches to Chinese education, during the course of which Tao founded several modern schools such as Xiaozhuang Normal SchoolShanhai Work-Study Union, Yucai Schooland the Social University. His ideological and theoretical system of “life is education”, “society is school” and “the unity of teaching, learning and doing” conforms to the development of China's educational trend and that of the world, accords with the inherent law of education, and has great theoretical value and profound significance on the educational reform and development of China as well as the world at present and in the future.

Tao devoted himself to the cause of Chinese revolution and education, kept loyal to the national salvation and the mass education to the last. We should learn from Tao and sacrifice ourselves for promoting education to the commoner's satisfaction.

This memorial museum is located in Dachang area, Baoshan county of Shanghai where Tao established the Shanhai Work-Study Union. It was first founded in 1986 and relocated to Xingzhi Park of Dahua in the south of Dachang in 2002.