zhan   lan   jie    shao

陶行知先生的一生,是爱国的一生,创造的一生,追求民主的一生。他怀着“爱满天下”和“文化为公”的胸襟和“千教万教教人求真,千学万学学做真人”的精神,从中国的国情出发, “为整个民族的利益来造就人才”。他既善于博采众长、兼收并蓄又推陈出新、开辟创造,在中国乃至世界教育史上,他的教育思想、理论和实践,都发挥了承前启后、继往开来的重要作用。他的爱国情操、革命斗志和创新精神,为人所同钦,世所共仰。



     Mr. Tao’s whole life could be deemed as that of patriot, of creator and of democracy-seeker. With a breadth mind of “universal love” and “the education serves the public” and with the spirit of “sparing no effort in teaching others to seek truthtaking great pains in learning to become a sincere person”Tao promoted to cultivate useful citizens through education for the benefit of the whole nation with reference to the China’s situations. He was not only good at learning widely from other educators and absorbing their advanced educational theories, but also developing them into new theories of his own. Tao’s educational thoughts, theories and practice have been serving as a link between the past and the future and exerted considerable influence on the history of education in China in and the world as well. Tao’s patriotism, revolutionary morale and the spirit of innovation are admired and respected by people all over the world.